Monday, January 28, 2013


On Friday in history we learned about/ took notes on the assassination of Lincoln and how his death changed the course of reconstruction. Lincoln had been the the only really influential voice arguing for restoration and when Booth killed him, the radical Republicans were left to take over and punish the South through reconstruction. After taking notes, we listened to two classical songs related to the topic.
Today in history we went to the library and worked on a couple of worksheets about reconstruction in the South and how they were devastated by Sherman. Also about the Black Codes.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winnie the Pooh
I thought that I would have gotten piglet on the Winnie the Pooh personality test because I am shy and quiet, but instead I was a combination of Rabbit and Pooh. This result confuses me, because the description for Winnie the Pooh says that I need help in the brains department and the Rabbit one says I am intelligent and clever. Pooh also says that I am sweet and Rabbit contradicts that by saying I have a short temper. I am fairly happy with these results thought, because there are worse things to be than Rabbit and Pooh.

Monday, January 14, 2013


On Friday Mr. Boyle gave us our review guides for the midterm and we spent the rest of that class and today filling them out and studying.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Yesterday in history we took notes on how the war ended and had time at the end of the class to study for the test. Today in history we took a test on the end of the Civil War.

Monday, January 7, 2013


On Friday in history we read different diary entries and letters written by various types of people about the Civil War being a total war and then we wrote a diary entry of our own as though we were one of those people.
Today in history we took a memorization test on a few lines of the Gettysburg Address. Then we took notes on Winfield Scott's Anaconda Plan. An how the Unionbegan to win the war.


Yesterday in history we talked about how January 1 had been the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation and wether or not we thought it was worth celebrating. Then we read the Gettysburg Address and answered some questions about it.
Today in history we looked at a picture of Robert Gould Shaw's memorial in Boston. Then we took quite a few notes on African Americans fighting in the Civil War in the Massachusetts' 54th Regiment.